Blockchain Ask Me Anything Session 2 with Jae Yang, Blockchain Engineer #blockchainama

The second session will cover foundational information, and move on to public ledger stuff. A cryptocurrency’s feature reflects the problem it is trying to solve. In this session, we will dig into the foundational knowledge underlying bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We will start with problems such as Byzantine fault tolerance, Double Spending, and others. Session will then cover how various blockchains and consensus algorithms could help resolve these problems.

Jae Yang, Blockchain Engineer Metal Pay. He started out as an aerospace engineer, but he found his passion in writing software. He is passionate about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He is active in the cryptocurrency community, often explaining technical details to newcomers. In his spare time, Jae develops various open source softwares in Node.js and is an avid reader.

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Yiseul Cho, Venture Partner FBG Capital #cryptoinvesting

Yiseul Cho, Venture Partner FBG Capital. FBG Capital is the largest crypto fund based in China. She is also Founder Crypto Girls and Cofounder of a stealth project. She is Advisor to the Korean Blockchain Association. She is also Advisor to ICON, Medibloc, Waves platform, Nucleus vision, Beetoken, PolicyPal Network and Metadium. She is Ex-Founding Partner Blockchain Partners Korea (currently HASHED) . Yiseul is the first blockchain engineer @HSBC.

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Tim Swanson Founder Post Oak Labs #cryptoinvesting

Tim Swanson Founder Post Oak Labs and is a thought-leader in the blockchain community and author of three books. Currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Tim has worked in East Asia for more than six years and was previously a fellow at Singapore University of Social Sciences and the Sim Kee Boon Institute at Singapore Management University. He was the first advisor at Hyperledger (prior to its acquisition by Digital Asset), an advisor at Clearmatics, a consultant with Elm Labs and was most recently the director of market research at R3.

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Steve Beauregard, Chief Revenue Officer Bloq #cryptoinvesting

Steve Beauregard, Chief Revenue Officer Bloq Steve was the Founder and former CEO of leading blockchain payment processor GoCoin. Bloq brings distributed blockchain financial products to large enterprise customers and gov’t agencies worldwide. Prior to GoCoin, Steve ran an innovative enterprise software firm introducing new efficiencies through mobile and eCommerce applications. In recent years Steve has delivered keynote speeches at blockchain events worldwide and has spoken at top universities and corporations on cryptocurrencies and mobile solutions.

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