Simplify Bitcoin Development #bitcoindev

Satoshi Nakamoto once proclaimed that an alternative implementation of a blockchain codebase would be “a menace to the network”. Bcoin is an enterprise-level implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, written from the ground up entirely in JavaScript,to be secure, scalable, and maintainable. Today it is used in production at companies and projects across the industry, including at, Edge Wallet, BitPay, and Chronobank.

Buck Perley, Engineering Lead Buck works full-time on bcoin and derivative projects. He will be joining to talk about how bcoin can help you develop better, more secure cryptocurrency applications, how an alternative implementation can make the ecosystem and network stronger, and some of the exciting projects their team is working on including bPanel, the world’s first Blockchain Management System (BMS).

Buck gives a live demo for how to build something on bPanel and a live demo for working directly with the bcoin backend

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Green Marijuana FinTech

DISCUSSION: Charlie Wilson Chief Revenue Officer Green Bits; Mark Denzin President Crypto Value Management System; Stacey Jackson General Counsel Golden Bear Insurance Company; Joe Barton, Associate Sheppard Mullin; MODERATOR: Mark Crager, Founder/Managing Partner Next Stage Partners

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Ethereum for Dummies #ethereum

The goal for this presentation is to give you the pieces required to build Ethereum dapps and learn more about how they work. To get you there we will cover getting started with writing, testing, and deploying your own Ethereum smart contracts using Solidity and the Truffle Framework for development. We will also look at the Ethereum computing environment and how it differs from traditional software environments.

David Goldberg CoFounder BlocTrax He is also a Software Engineer at Salesforce. BlocTrax is a freelance smart contract development and security audit consulting company. Previously, David taught programming at the advanced software engineering immersive program, Hack Reactor.

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