How to Raise an ICO #raiseico

DISCUSSION: Sonny Singh Chief Commercial Officer BitPay; Patrick Baron, CEO Ambisafe Financial; Chance Du, Founding Partner Coefficient Ventures; Michael Hughes Senior Director, Equity Crowdfunding & Token Sales Indiegogo; Tammy Camp Founder/CEO Stronghold; MODERATOR: Pierre-R. Wolff is Managing Director of ExecConnect

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Blockchain Ask Me Anything Session 2 with Jae Yang, Blockchain Engineer #blockchainama

The second session will cover foundational information, and move on to public ledger stuff. A cryptocurrency’s feature reflects the problem it is trying to solve. In this session, we will dig into the foundational knowledge underlying bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We will start with problems such as Byzantine fault tolerance, Double Spending, and others. Session will then cover how various blockchains and consensus algorithms could help resolve these problems.

Jae Yang, Blockchain Engineer Metal Pay. He started out as an aerospace engineer, but he found his passion in writing software. He is passionate about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He is active in the cryptocurrency community, often explaining technical details to newcomers. In his spare time, Jae develops various open source softwares in Node.js and is an avid reader.

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Blockchain Ask Me Anything with Jae Yang Blockchain Engineer Metal Pay

The first session covers basics of the technology behind blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This session will help you understand cryptocurrency payments and settlements. We’ll cover how cryptocurrencies work, highlighting strengths as well as major weaknesses and potential risks. The first session will also cover major differences between some of the top cryptocurrencies; the difference between Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others like Monero. You will walk away with sufficient technical background to dive deeper on your own and to better know what you don’t know. This will be a highly interactive Q&A format so you can ask your questions as they arise.

Jae Yang, Blockchain Engineer Metal Pay Jae started out as an aerospace engineer. He is passionate about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology He is active in the cryptocurrency community, often explaining technical details to newcomers. Most recently, Jae worked for Samsung SmartThings, helping the company setup various microservices. In his spare time, Jae develops various open source software in Node.js and is an avid reader.

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